The Adventures of Now

exploring the mix of fun, fitness & health…as a diabetic

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Goal Pose: Headstand


One of my goal poses (not to be confused with fear pose) in yoga is to be able to hold a headstand. With my fear pose(s) it’s often over-thinking that holds me back from, with goal pose(s) I’ve given it lots of thought … I just haven’t gotten quite there yet.

Headstands are one of those poses that I’ve always been surrounded by but often forget about practicing it myself.  I always remember when my Dad and step-mom introduced yoga to my high school my senior year (soooo glad it wasn’t freshman) and while my step-mom was guiding us through one thing or another, my dad silently extended in to headstand  slowly catching the awe of everyone in the room – for me it was just dad being dad. He’s 6’6″ so it made for quite an impressive site.

When I taught children, they would happily flip into headstand – often a little too quickly. I’ve done plenty of donkey kicks myself and taught many. But the strength in headstands comes from the control.

Like  from 0:22  – 0:40 in this video from Equinox (but perhaps not in your underwear)

Control takes a little more concentration. So I’m trying to pay attention to certain steps and poses in my current classes that can help me gain that control and strength (looking at you core).

10 steps to a headstand from FitSguar


  My favorite yoga class has included a wide-legged forward bend in almost each one since I’ve been practicing in April. Looks simple enough – my hamstrings tell me otherwise. My head is not on the ground. Not even close. But through the guidance of the instructor, I’ve really tried to be more mindful of the pose. It’s getting there! Slowly but surely.

Dolphin-PlankAnother  pose that is a huge support is not just plank but Dolphin Plank and with babysteps, inching my feet forward. This is part strength and trust, as my feet move closer to the front my trust needs to build in the strength of my arms for the foundation of my headstand.


 What I should be doing, is practicing at home – and this would be an excellent way to do so (not really an option at the gym).


:: Related Links ::

How to headstand || Lululemon Blog

5 Reasons you can’t do a headstand yet (#fearpose) || FitSguar

Yoga Inversions 101 || Whole Living


YourTurnIcon Headstand : challenge or child’s play? 


Pick me, choose me, adjust me


Not everyone likes a hands on yoga teacher. I love it. Sometimes it can be a little nerve-wracking, you’re already shaking in the pose and you see the teacher making her way over and all you can think is “I can’t reach my toes / my arm is extending as high as it can / my heart is as open as it’ll ever be / yoga is torture “ (and if something doesn’t feel right then you should definitely speak up!). Other times a little helping hand can open you to a pose in a whole new way. But mostly for me it’s the little touches. Helping you to further release into downward dog or child’s pose. Adding weight to you shoulders (and if you’re anything like me they’re permanently glued to my ears) in savasana.


Perhaps it’s growing up with a dad who would teach me some basic poses to deal with heavy backpack aches and getting the one-on-one attention.  Or may it was growing up massage therapy and later physical therapy. Definitely the influence of being around yoga teachers and becoming one myself to children. I even took the practice of rubbing lotion on the kids feet which was something I picked up from my yoga teacher mentor & stepmother. Ok maybe not when I taught at the camp. Ps. have you seen children’s feet during the summer after a morning full of camp and beach to come to the yoga studio?

Hello hand sanitizer.

So when I realize that a teacher does adjustments, from that moment forward there is a constant replay in my mind:

Despite not having watched Grey’s Anatomy since like the first season, all I can hear a-la-Meredith at :50 is

::: pick me, choose me, adjust me :::


Do you like hands-on teachers or see it as an invasion of space? 




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Yoga: 6/20

The first couple of June Wednesday yoga classes haven’t been awesome for me. I’ve been late or not had time to settle in. The teacher, who I normally enjoy, came across as pushy to me and I had trouble getting in synch. 

Last week redeemed it all. There was the 5 min discussion before the practice began that set the tone. 

I randomly checked my horoscope after reading HTP’s post. I don’t usually put too much belief into horoscopes but enjoy checking them out every once in while. 

Part of it was echoed during yoga :  

You are loving everything that your life is showing you. It’s revealing new ideas and options. – source

Not only was it mentally a good class but there was plenty of hip-flexor loving lunges. Silly bruised knee (still!) had me sitting out of crow but still got plenty of hip openers. 

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Yoga: Water Flow {6/18}

Most of the yoga classes I take are Vinyasa. However, as I’ve increased my practice and started taking classes during the day I’ve explored my options. Mondays there’s a Hatha class at my gym, I’ve taken it a couple of times and didn’t notice much difference than a studio class. The instructor had a very familiar approach plus she used eucalyptus which is a relaxing touch. That said, I’m not overly dedicated to the time & class. However after some rough weekend runs I decided to go this week.  

There was a sub, apparently he had been there last week and would be there next and viewed it as a three part series in which each class would have a focus. This class was water flow and energy. Now, I don’t get too far into energies and the deeper spirituality of yoga but I am opened minded to it and usually just take away what works for me. 

I had a hard time really “getting” what he was saying in terms of energies …. but it didn’t bring out my bratty yoga face! Maybe it was the small class size, maybe it was the sincerity and knowledge that he demonstrated (he had the control and strength over poses that I aim for) or maybe it was having no expectations for the class. Who knows.

We started off the class with massages! Massaging our faces, legs (shin splits still suck) and shoulders (still ridiculously tight). 

It wasn’t like a class that I’ve ever taken before,  I didn’t even break a sweat! 

 I don’t know if I’ll go back next week, but I definitely prefer that over Monday’s evening potential : yoga boot camp lady!

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Yoga: return of boot camp lady {6/7}

Since I skipped my usual Wednesday morning yoga class I decided to go to the Thursday morning, one I haven’t been to in a few weeks. I typecast my yoga instructors (hey, it’s not judging!) and Thursday’s I had decided was a massage therapist as well (no idea if that’s true). I was really looking forward to the deep practice, my back & shoulders were feeling the decrease in yoga and I wanted a good stretch before our final soccer game.

The last few classes i had been she was 5 min late so I didn’t think anything of it. My heart sank when a women came bustling in complaining about talking to NYSC staff and started tinkering with the stereo. I thought the class was canceled.

Worse – it was the yoga boot camp lady! I had one previous class with her when she was subbing…and refused to return until I knew the original teacher was back. I’m all for finding something to gain from each class but there are times when it’s just not worth it – and this was one of them.

If I wasn’t in the middle of the class with my own mat all laid out I would have left. Instead I was a brat again.

But here’s the thing: it wasn’t just the instructor’s personality that wasn’t clicking – I didn’t agree with her teaching style. I’m pretty open and I’m no super yogi but her warrior II arms were all over the place and during tree she had her foot up against her knee. Sounds silly but all basic things, things I taught 3 year olds. And because it’s easy to forget minor adjustments during practice (which is where instructor’s reminders are helpful) I looked around and noticed some of the class with their knees subject to injury. And what confuses me is that the entire time she was verbally guiding about injury prevention – just in a way that was hard to absorb.

My typecast for her is theater dancer, she had show hands (turned out arms), overly cheerful & dramatic.

I know I sound dramatic and negative but I was truly horrified. I understand it’s a gym yoga class and therefore maybe less experience or dedication but I thought I might injure myself by following along.

And don’t get me started on the mountain climbers, “we’re almost done” use of microphone and “drills.”

And yes, I should have just found my own place on the mat and done my own practice (without being a disruption). But the entire class had a little bit of “what-the-…” going on. One woman was in and out (& rude about it), some people were left standing on their mat wonder what exactly the “flow” was.

It wasn’t until the end of class that I noticed a woman a few mats over that would take the cue from the instructor and then work on her own strong practice…..I should have watched her.

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Yoga: 6/1

Rocked my knee pad during yoga last Friday, which came in handy during lunges.

It was a super crowded class (whoops, didn’t reserve a spot before hand).

The class focus was on the alignment of Triangle Pose {Trikonasana}

{image source / pose instructions}

I really need to work on opening up my shoulders …

My arms were struggling holding them up during all of the poses. 

I was feeling it in my sides from all the twists on Saturday morning.

Should keep up with this pose outside of the class room – targets abs, arms & stretches hips – perfect!

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 I have (secretly) (and admiringly)  started referring to my Wednesday yoga instructor as kickass Gumby. This women has such strength that not only can she quickly jump into a pose but she does it with control and grace. Much like the video above. The type of instructor that can easily contort into a pose that has 1/2 the class sighing in awe and 1/2 the class laughing in doubt. And while you know it will take a lot of practice to get to that level it opens up the room and encouragement to try new poses, to trust yourself to challenge yourself.  

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Cranky Yoga

Was it the “downward dog, please” every.single.time. ?


The 500 mountain climbers in plank?


The 300 “straighten&bend” while in warrior II?


The squats that sort of resemble chair pose but not really?

Must have been the gym instructor microphone and the sighs (not exhales) that were broadcasted. I wasn’t entirely convinced she was a yoga instructor but rather a dancer who picked up some yoga moves.

I tried to be open-minded, I did. ….

Only, 10 min into the class and I had a full fledge crank face on.


In fact, I apologize to the rest of the class for my bratty expressions. But I don’t think I found my new Monday Night Yoga class.

I was not prepared for a boot camp. Did my arms & abs need a challenge? Yes. Did my hip flexor need to be tested out? Yes. But I was looking for a deep stretch – body & mind.


The guys behind me were getting a lot out of the class. What equally impresses me as the people who are moving gracefully into a pose, are the people who are stepping outside their comfort zone…those that know when they need to step back into child’s pose.

Hopefully they weren’t too thrown off by the girl in front of them that was one breath away from an eye rolling sigh.

Hey, not every class is guaranteed to be zen.

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Triple Threat Tuesday

It’s Thursday.

But let’s talk about Tuesday {as in 2 days ago}.

After my unexpected rest from exhaustion and shin splints last week, I was determined to get back on track with my run Tuesday morning.  I pulled out 4.16 miles in 43 min for an average of 10:20  …. I didn’t die but it wasn’t my best run. I wore my compression sleeves which I normally save for after and it definitely helped.

I also took my first ice bath. Sort of. With the freezer still broken {not anymore!} I haven’t been able to ice properly which is asking for trouble. And since pretty much all major points of my legs hurt, I figured an ice bath would work. Only minus the ice. Instead just really cold water. Really cold. I can’t imagine a full on ice bath. Especially since it was only enough water that a baby would be safe in it. But my shins were happier.


I also knew that keeping up with yoga is a must these days. Especially since I “iced” but didn’t stretched.

So I went to my first lunchtime yoga class! It was actually my first lunchtime anything class. Or lunchtime gym session. Or lunchtime me time.

Mixed thoughts.

The teacher played music so faintly I didn’t realize that it was on until the 2nd half of class and I’ve discovered that really throws off my practice. I also had a giant clock directly in front of me which was not helpful when I knew I had to get back to the office.

While all the gym classes have mirrors, this one seemed to have twice as many.

So it seemed really hard to focus “on the mat.”

But she targeted hip flexors which was much-needed (even if she did refer to them as protagonists in books…I didn’t get it).

It’s worth it to go back but definitely not my favorite class/instructor.


I only got 1 foot off the ground at a time {step 1 & 2} but the first time I’ve attempted headstand in a long time. 


I finished up the night with soccer. In one of our more intense, well-played games.

Last week the other team forfeited and we played each other, everyone in for the entire time. It was actually the most fun game yet  – we have a good group.

So 3 different activities in 1 day … that’s a record. 

I was a little nervous that I would burn myself out after last week but having Wednesday off & being able to sleep in definitely helped.

Can’t say it will be the new routine but it’s possible!

Your turn:
Do you break up workouts throughout the day?
Related Links:
8 Ice Bath Dos & Donts



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Monday Night Yoga: Free time to Exhale

 So I had grand plans that if we were given the week off between Christmas & New Years I would take full advantage of all the fitness classes my gym offers which I don’t usually get to go to,  as well as finally use passes to Pure Yoga and my gift certificate to Exhale.

Sometimes too many options and too much time leads to little action. 

But I did get to 2 Exhale classes. Both Slow Flow – aiming for a restorative approach and working on the whole knee/hip/groin thing.


I went Saturday to the UES 12:15 with Diana Rilov. I went to the gym for a quick 30 min cardio warm up first and since I’m awful with timing and estimating how long it takes to get some place (and thinking the studio was closer to the gym than it was) I had to hustle – when it started to rain – wtf anyone else get caught in that quick shower? I snuck into class (luckily I wasn’t the only one so I wasn’t completely disruptive). Maybe it was because I jumped in but I was out of synch with the instructor. It was also my first time in that location and it’s a lot brighter. In a true NYC moment there was a fight between two women that involved a (barking) dog. Channel that Zen! At one point we went into that 1/2 table top 1/2 wheel pose. I actually have no idea what it’s called – I’d go with reaching table – but when someone asked the instructor her reply was “I don’t know but we just do it because it’s fun!” At first I thought she was a little batty but as she kept on exclaiming “it’s fun!” I realized that sometimes being on the mat isn’t only about letting it go to find that center point – sometimes it’s just about letting go and not any deeper than that.

{urban yoga girl via pin}

Since I jumped straight into the practice I also didn’t really see who I was practicing with until 1/2 way through the class. I was the youngest one there which is how I started out but far different from my usual gym class. It’s actually easier for me to not compare / judge / be competitive in that environment.


Just as I ended the previous year, I started the new one off with another Exhale class. This time at the Central Park South location where I’ve been previously. This location is to me a more traditional studio – darker & quieter. The instructor was Danielle Lee and her style was what I needed – she focused on legs & alignment.


It’s cliché & all zen sounding but it’s true : there’s something to learn from each class. Whether it’s more mind focused like in Saturday’s class or deepening a pose like Sunday or testing your strength like often in Monday night classes.

Which I didn’t go to this week. Again. Having the day off, I went to the gym mid day and the idea of having an early night was too alluring and a rare chance.

Since both my snooze button & blood-sugars won this morning over the gym I’m going to attempt a yoga class at the gym – we’ll see how that battle goes against work.


Your turn:

Any yoga goals for the new year?

Do you prefer a certain type of environment / studio ? 


Favorite Finds

The cost (time & money) of becoming a yoga instructor (of which there are over 50,000 of in the US). {yoga journal}

I’m pretty sure my liver is healthy (that whole not drinking thing…) but here are some yoga poses to help detox from the holidays. {blisstree}

I have to say that tweens was the hardest age group I’ve taught yoga to. 3-6 was my  target audience and that one summer I taught high schoolers I had only graduated a year before but it was in a library vs. a camp so I had better control. Still traumatized by the girls who sat Macrame-ing on the mat ignoring yoga time. Maybe because I never had my camp experience? Anywayssss, I totally would have checked out this video for guidance Bendigirl Yoga for Girls  , {fitbottom mamas}